20 Docker Security Best Practices – Hardening Traefik Docker Stack

Security For Docker Traefik Stack

With increasing docker applications and images, security for docker containers requires more attention than ever before. These Docker Security best practices will help you harden your docker host and applications. Starting with our original Docker media server guide, followed by Traefik v1 reverse proxy tutorial, and the current Docker Home … read more

Google OAuth with Traefik – Secure SSO for Docker Services

Oauth Featured Image Final | Smarthomebeginner

Tired of all your docker services having their own authentication system? For those that don’t, do you hate Traefik’s basic auth? Then, read on to setup up Google OAuth with Traefik. Enjoy the convenience of secure single-sign-on for your Docker services. I was so excited to find that thomseddon’s image, … read more